Days of the week. ағылшын тілі, 1 сынып, дидактикалық материал.

Formative assessment task

Subject: English

Grade: 1

Theme: Days of the week

Learning objectives:

1. W2 form some lower case letters of regular size and shape


Copy the days of the week as in the example according to the teacher’s instruction.

Learning objectives


Success criteria


Working towards




Application of knowledge

Knowledge and understanding

Creative attitude

Learners form all lower case letters of regular size and shape

Learners define first letter of the word

Learners work carefully


  • S a t u r d a y
  • F r i d a y
  • T u e s d a y
  • W e d n e s d a y
  • T h u r s d a y
  • M o n d a y

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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