Ағылшын тілі тест

Test 11/07/23

  • Uncountable noun
  • Tourist
  • Park
  • Balcony
  • Wheat
  • Odd one out: do
  • Woodwork
  • Puzzles
  • Promise
  • Housework
  • We use for instant desicions
  • can
  • be going to
  • will
  • should
  • we use the ____ to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Simple
  • Past Continuous
  • Past Simple
  • Choose a common word
  • Scroll
  • Log out
  • User
  • Cyberspace
  • Appropriate container. A _____ of matches, toys, chocolates
  • Bucket
  • Box
  • Basket
  • Barrel
  • The right sentence. These are _____ cars
  • Sonya and Ann`s
  • America and Canada`s
  • Sonya`s and Ann`s
  • The boy and the girl`s
  • They had both thick boards and they didnt recognize ____.
  • Each other
  • Ourselves
  • Themselves
  • Themselfes
  • Complete the sentence. He won`t pass his test unless .... hard
  • He will study
  • He won`t study
  • He studies
  • He doesn`t study
  • Verb that means circumstances obliging you to do something
  • Could
  • May
  • Have to
  • Can
  • Choose the correct determiner quantifier. My brothers Tom and Pete are .... students
  • Every
  • Each
  • Both
  • None
  • We use as … as
  • Don’t ask … silly questions … make me feel foolish
  • She is … a good girl … everyone likes her
  • My cat is not … a runner … my dog
  • She sings … well … a professional

13. An abstract noun is formed from an adjective with suffix –ity

  • kind
  • strong
  • friendly
  • generous

14. We talk about unreal past in

  • 0 Conditional
  • 1 Conditional
  • 2 Conditional
  • 3 Conditional

15.Use while

  • __ I saw it, I swam away
  • I saw it __ swam away
  • I saw the shark, ___ I was swimming
  • __ I turned the tv, I saw it

16. Choose the sentence with Complex object

  • they watched us playing golf
  • he is known to be a good doctor
  • I saw that he had entered the shop
  • its known that he is a good doctor

17.I feel sick today. I __ too much yesterday

  • was able to eat
  • may have been eating
  • shouldn`t have eaten
  • might eat

18.__ research has been done already

  • a grea deal of
  • both
  • a few
  • a lot of

19.Collacation with `tell`

  • a few words
  • nothing
  • a secret
  • a question

20.He __ his bike for an hour

  • was washing
  • had been washed
  • is washing
  • has been washing

Text. Black holes

  • The part of something that is furthest from the center
  • How the black holes are formed
  • The second conditional
  • Time in black holes

Text. Wolfgang Mozart

  • Six ears old
  • Admire somebody or something
  • Disease and proverty
  • In 1791
  • In Australia

Text. Computer life

  • Disadvantages of computer: not to have much to read a book
  • The main purpose: to explain advantages and disadvantages of computer
  • Committing means: a group of people with the same interests

Text. Mozart

  • Mozart travelled round Europe alone
  • Describes Mozart’s life and talent
  • How talented Mozart was
  • When he had already become popular
  • Connected with creation of his best masterpiece

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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