Физика_11 класс_ОГН_англ

Methodological recommendations for summative assessment on the subject of “Physics”

Grade 11

(social and humanitarian direction)

Nur-Sultan, 2020

 These methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organizing and carrying out Summative Assessment in Physics for students in the 11th grade in the social and humanitarian direction. The methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 11 is conducted in Terms 1,2, 3 and 4.

 Assignments for summative assessment for the section / cross-cutting theme will allow the teacher to determine the level of achievement of the learning objectives by the students for each term. For a summative assessment for a section of the topic, the methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the units. Also the book describes the possible levels of educational achievement of students (rubrics). Assignments with descriptors and marks are of an advisory in nature. Guidelines are intended for teachers, school administrators, methodologists of education departments, school and regional coordinators and other stakeholders for criteria based assessment. In preparing the guidelines, resources were used (drawings, photographs, texts, video and audio materials, etc.) that

are publicly available on official websites.



Summative assessment for the unit “mechanical ocsilliations”

Learning objectives – investigate harmonic oscillations (х(t), v(t), a(t)) experimentally, analytically and graphically

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Definition of simple harmonic motion
  • Analyze the graph and match the physical quantities

Level of thinking skills


Higher order thinking skills


20 minutes

    • State what is meant by simple harmonic motion.


    • A trolley is attached to two extended springs, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig 2.1.

The trolley is displaced along the line joining the two springs and is then released. At one point in the motion, a stopwatch is started. The variation with time t of the velocity v of the trolley is shown in Fig. 2.2.

Fig 2.2.

The motion of trolley is simple harmonic.

  • state one time at which the trolley is moving through the equilibrium position and also state the next time that it moves through this position.

………………………s ands [1]

  • The amplitude of vibration of the trolley is 3.2 cm.


  • the maximum speed v0 of the trolley,

v0 =cms-1[3]

  • the displacement of the trolley for a speed of 1/2v0,

displacement =cm [2]

Assessment criteria



A learner


Definitionofsimple harmonic motion


Defines the term of the simple harmonic motion


Analyze the graph and match the physical quantities

2 a

Depicts the time from the motion


2 b (i)

2 b (ii)

applies the formula for calculation of


Uses amplitude for finding velocity

answers in SI unit

Finds displacement from the half of velocity condition,





Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Mechanical oscillations Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Definitionofsimple harmonic motion

Has difficulties in defining the term of the simple harmonic motion

Makes mistakes in defining the term of the simple harmonic motion

Defines the term of the simple harmonic motion

Analyze the graph and match the physical quantities

Has difficulties in defining the velocity from the graph,

Has difficulties in applying the formula for calculation of velocity and answer in SI unit.

Has difficulties in using amplitude for finding velocity;

In finding displacement from the half of velocity condition;

Makes mistakes in defining the velocity from the graph, Applying the formula for calculation of velocity and answer in SI unit. Using amplitude for finding velocity; Finding displacement from the half of velocity condition

Defines the velocity from the graph, Applies the formula for calculation of velocity and answer in SI unit. Uses amplitude for finding velocity;

Finds displacement from the half of velocity condition;

Summative assessment for the unit “electromagnetic ocsilliations”

Learning objectives

        • – describe the conditions of free and forced oscillations;
        • – compare mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Describes the occurrence of free and forced oscilliations
  • Draws analogies of both mechanical and electromagnetic oscilliations
    • Uses of electric current in the home appliances

Level of thinking skills



20 minutes


    • An alternating current supply is connected in series with a resistor R, as shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig 1.1.

The variation with time t (measured in seconds) of the current I (measured in amps) in the resistor is given by the expression

I= 9.9 sin(380t).

      • For the current in the resistor R, determine (i)the frequency,

frequency =Hz [2]

(ii)the r.m.s. current,

r.m.s. current =A [2]

    • The defining equation of simple harmonic motion is

𝑎 = −𝜔2𝑥

Identify the symbols in the equation

a …………………………………………………………………………




    • State one advantages and one disadvantage of the use of alternating rather than direct current in the home.

i. Advantage ………...............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................................. ………….


ii. Disadvantage




Assessment criteria



A learner


Description of forced and free oscilliations


Use the formulae in correct order

Define the frequency from the given equation

Calculate the alternating current using the equation

express it in SI unit





Definition of simple harmonic motion


Identities of the acceleration in the equation

Identities of the angular frequency



Use of electric current in the home appliaciences


Give example of one advantages of alternating current


alternating current



Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Electromagnetic oscillations Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Description of forced and free oscilliations

Has difficulties in defining the frequency from the given equation and use the formulae in correct order;

In calculating the alternating current using the equation and express it in SI unit;

Makes mistakes in defining the frequency from the given equation and use the formulae in correct order;

In calculating the alternating current using the equation and express it in SI unit; However several mistakes might be done

Defines the frequency from the given equation and use the formulae in correct order;

Calculates the alternating current using the equation and express it in SI unit;

Definitionofsimple harmonic motion;

Has difficulties in identifying of the acceleration in the equation; identifying of the angular frequency;

Makesmistakesinidentifyingofthe acceleration in the equation;

Identifying of the angular frequency

Identifies of the acceleration in the equation; Identitifies of the angular frequency

Use of electric current in the home appliaciences;

Give example of one advantages and disadvantages of alternating current;

Giving example of one advantages and disadvantages of alternating current

Gives example of one advantages and disadvantages of alternating current;

Summative assessment for the unit alternating current

Learning objectives

        • –investigate the operating principle of an alternating current generator using the generator model;
        • – characterise alternating current using the physical measurements such as period, frequency, maximum and effective/active value of voltage, current, electromotive force;
        • – explain the resonance condition and list the scopes of its application;
        • – calculate the resonance frequency; – determine the number of coils in transformer windings;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • explains of the using generator
  • expresses the physical quantities like period, frequency etc.
  • explains resonance condition and calculate frequency
  • solves the problem related to transformer

Level of thinking skills


Knowledge and comprehension


20 minutes

1. An ideal iron-cored transformer is illustrated in Fig. 1.1.

Fig 1.1. Transformer.

a. Explain why

  • the supply to the primary coil must be alternating current, not direct current,


  • core is laminated,


c. The a.c. mains of 240 V r.m.s. is connected to the primary coil of a transformer, which contains 1200 turns. The r.m.s. output of the transformer is 6.0 V.

(i) Calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil.


d. A resistance of 6.0 Ω is connected across the secondary coil. Calculate:

  • The average power dissipated in the resistor
  • The peak current in the primary coil.



Assessment criteria



A learner


Research of principal work of

explains that primary coil must have an

generator of alternating current

1 a(i)

alternating current



explains the reason of laminating the core of transformer


Application of defining


c (i)

usse the correct formulae of calculation of the

secondary coils


number of secondary coils

d (i)

calculates of the power dissipated by the




shows the way of how to find the peak

current by the secondary coils


Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit alternating current Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Research of principal work of generator of alternating current

Has difficulties in explaining that primary coil must have an alternating current;

explaining the reason of laminating the core of transformer;

Makes mistakes in explaining that primary coil must have an alternating current;

in explaining the reason of laminating the core of transformer;

explains that primary coil must have an alternating current;

explains the reason of laminating the core of transformer;

Applicationofdefiningthe number of secondary coils

Has difficulties in using the correct formulae of calculation of the secondary coils;

Incalculatingofthepower dissipated by the resistor;

In showing the way of how to find the peak current by the secondary coils

Makes mistakes in using the correct formulae of calculation of the secondary coils;

Incalculatingofthepower dissipated by the resistor; showing the way of how to find the peak current by the secondary coils;

uses the correct formulae of calculation of the secondary coils;

calculates of the power dissipated by the resistor;

shows the way of how to find the peak current by the secondary coils;


Summative assessment for the unit electromagnetic waves

Learning objectives - explain the condition of the occurrence of EM waves and describe its characteristics. –explain the operating principle of radio – systematise communication means and suggest possible ways of their improvement;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Explains the condition of the EM waves with description in further
  • Explains how system of radio-communications work
  • Suggests the enhancing method of communication system

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills


25 minutes

  • State one property of electromagnetic waves that is not common to other transverse waves.


  • Seven regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are represented by blocks labelled A to G in Fig. 2.1.

Fig 2.1.

A typical wavelength for the visible region D is 500 nm.

  • Name the principal radiations and give a typical wavelength for each of the regions B, E and F.

B: name: ............................................ wavelength:m

E: name: ............................................ wavelength:m

F: name: ............................................ wavelength:m


  • Calculate the frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 500 nm.

frequency Hz[2]

  • The waves in the spectrum shown in Fig. 2.1 can be polarised. Explain the meaning of the term




  • One channel of communication is by the use of a coaxial cable. Such a cable is illustrated in Fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1. Coaxial cable

  • Suggest the material from which the component labelled A on Fig. 3.1 is made.


  • Suggest two functions of the component labelled A. 1..............................................................................................................................................................




Assessment criteria



A learner


Explains the condition

of the EM waves with description in further


Indicates the common property of

EM waves


Explains how system

of radio- communications work



according to its wavelengths

ii)Calculate the frequency

iii) depicts the property of EM

wavesthathowEMcanbe polarised




Suggests the

enhancing method of communication system


a) shows the suitable material

b) indicate the two functions of

label A




Total mark


Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit electromagnetic waves

Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Properties of EM waves

Not able to:

Indicate the common property of EM waves

Be able to:

Indicatethecommon property of EM waves; Cause some difficulties;

Be able to:

Indicate the common property of EM waves

EM spectrum classification and use it in radio-communication

Not able to:

i)Namethetypesofwaves according to its wavelengths; ii)Calculate the frequency;

iii) depicts the property of EM waves that how EM can be polarized;

Be able to:

i)Name the types of waves according to its wavelengths; ii)Calculate the frequency;

iii) depict the property of EM waves that how EM can be polarized;

Cause some difficulties.

Be able to:

  • Name the types of waves according to its wavelengths;
  • Calculate the frequency;
  • depicts the property of EM waves that how EM can be polarized;

Systemofthecommunication procedure and its improvement

Not able to:

  • shows the suitable material;
  • indicate the two functions of label A

Be able to:

  • showsthesuitable material;
  • indicate the two functions of label A;

Cause some difficulties;

Be able to:

  • shows the suitable material;
  • indicate the two functions of label A

Summative assessment for the unit wave optics

Learning objectives

        • – define conditions for observation of interference and diffraction of light waves;
        • – describe the use of diffraction grating to define a wave length;
        • – investigate the polarization of light experimentally

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Uses diffraction grade to define the wavelength
  • Understand the meaning of polarization of light
  • Solve the problems related to wavelength and frequency

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills


20 minutes


  • Explain what is meant by the diffraction of a wave.


................................................................................................... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... [2]

  • A double-slit interference experiment is set up using coherent red light as illustrated in Fig.1.

Fig 1.

The separation of the slits is 0.86 mm.

The distance of the screen from the double slit is 2.4 m.

A series of light and dark fringes is observed on the screen.

  • State what is meant by coherent light.


  • Estimate the separation of the dark fringes on the screen.

separation =mm [3]

  • Initially, the light passing through each slit has the same intensity. The intensity of light passing through one slit is now reduced.

Suggest and explain the effect, if any, on the dark fringes observed on the screen.


...................................................................... ........................ ........................ ...........................[2]

  • State what is meant by the polarization of light.


Assessment criteria



A learner


Definition of the diffraction of

the light


Gives the clear definition of diffraction of



Solve the problems that are

related to diffraction grade and its application


a)Gives the definition of coherence of light

b) Solves the problems related to diffraction

grade and uses all the provided physical quantities in correct order.

c) suggests the effects of light passing through

the slits




Definition of the polarization

of light


Defines the polarization of light


Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit wave optics Learner’s full name

ssessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Definition of the diffraction of the light

Not able to:

Givethecleardefinitionof diffraction of light

Be able to:

Give the clear definition of diffraction of light Cause some difficulties;

be able to:

Give the clear definition of diffraction of light

Solve the problems that are related to diffraction grade and its application

Not able to:

  • Gives the definition of coherence of light;
  • Solves the problems related to diffraction grade and uses all the provided physical quantities in correct order;
  • suggests the effects of light passing through the slits

be able to:

  • Gives the definition of coherence of light;
  • Solves the problems related to diffraction grade and uses all the provided physical quantities in correct order;
  • suggests the effects of light passing through the slits; Cause some difficulties;

be able to:

  • Gives the definition of coherence of light;
  • Solves the problems related to diffraction grade and uses all the provided physical quantities in correct order;
  • suggests the effects of light passing through the slits

Definition of the polarization of light

Defines the polarization of light

Be able to:

Defines the polarization of light Cause some difficulties;

Be able to:

Define the polarization of light

Summative assessment for the unit geometrical optics

Learning objectives

        • – determine the glass refractive index experimentally;
        • – explain the advantages of optical fiber technology when transmitting the light signals;
        • – set up and explain the rays in a magnifier, telescope and microscope;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Defines the refraction index of light
  • Explains the optic-fiber technology in use
  • Constructs and explains the way of light in optical devices

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills


20 minutes


  • Different frequencies and wavelengths are used in different channels of communication. Suggest why, infra-red radiation rather than visible light is usually used with optic-fibres.


.................................................................................................. ........................................... ...........[2]

  • A beam of white light strikes the face of a prism. Copy Figure 2.1 and draw the path taken by red and blue rays of light as they pass through the prism and on to the screen AB.

Figure 1


  • Figure 2 shows a camera focused on an object in the middle distance. Should the lens be moved towards or away from the film so that the image of a more distant object is in focus?


Figure 2

  • What is meant shadows in the light


  • State what is meant the angle of incidence.


Assessment criteria



A learner


Use of optic-fiber technology

in transferring signals


Suggests the enhancing method of using optic



Define the way of light in prism


Copies and draws the correct passage of light


Constructs and explains the

path of light


Defines and explains the path light in optical







Give the definition of shadows

Define the angle of incidence



Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit wave optics Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Use of optic-fiber technology in transferring signals

Not able to:

Suggest the enhancing method of using optic fiber

Be able to:

Suggests the enhancing method of using optic fiber Cause some difficulties;

Be able to:

Suggests the enhancing method of using optic fiber

Define the way of light in prism

Not able to:

Copies and draws the correct passage of light

be able to:

Copies and draws the correct passage of light;

Cause some difficulties;

be able to:

Copies and draws the correct passage of light

Constructs and explains the path of light

Not able to:

Define and explain the path light in optical devices

Be able to:

Define and explain the path light in optical devices Cause some difficulties;

Be able to:

Define and explain the path light in optical devices

  • TERM

Summative assessment for the unit Quantum physics

Learning objectives – describe the method of spectral analysis and its application; – explain the nature of photoelectric effect and to give examples of its application; – make comparison between computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Analyses the given spectrum
  • Uses spectrum to calculate frequency
  • Explains the photo effect
  • Explains difference CT and MRI

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application


25 minutes


  • In figure 1.1 the spectrum of the visible is given.

Figure 1.1.

According to figure 1.1

    • Explain frequency and wavelength in terms of spectrum.


    • Calculate the frequency of green color.


  • The variation with frequency f of the maximum kinetic energy EK of photoelectrons emitted from the surface of sodium metal is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig 1.

Use the gradient of the graph of Fig.1 to determine a value for the Planck constant h. Show you working


  • What does the photoelectric effect demonstrate?
  • The particulate nature of light
  • The wave nature of light
  • The diffuse reflection of light
  • The total internal reflection of light
  • Write an example of a photo effect.



  • What is the difference between CT and MRI?


Assessment criteria



A learner

Mar k

Analyses the given


States the frequency and wavelength



Calculates the frequency of green color


Uses spectrum to


calculate frequency

Plank constant correctly described


In SI unit the meaning of plank constant


The photo – effect


Finds the suitable answer





Gives an example of photo-effect


Explains difference CT and MRT


Defines what use CT scans

Defines what use MRI



Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Quantum Physics Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Analyses the given spectrum Uses spectrum to calculate frequency

Not able to

Analyse the given spectrum of light; Calculate the frequency;

Be able to

Analyse the given spectrum of light; Calculate the frequency;

Several mistakes may occur

be able to

Analyse the given spectrum of light; Calculate the frequency;

Thephotoeffect phenomenon examples

Not able to find correct answer

Find the correct answer

Find the correct answer

ExplainsdifferenceCT and MRT

Not able to define what use CT scans and define what use MRI

Defines what use CT scans Defines what use MRI

Defines what use CT scans Defines what use MRI

Give examples of technology in daily life

Summative assessment for the unit “Physics of atomic nucleus”, “Nanotechnology and nano- materials”

Learning objectives

        • – explain the nuclear decay and nuclear fusion;
        • – explain the nature of ionising effect and penetrating power of radiation; – explain physical properties of nanomaterials, their production and use;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Explains the decay process
  • Understand radiation phenomenon
  • Uses the nano-technology

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application


20 minutes


  • Sanjar reads this about an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction:
    • at the start, one neutron causes the fission of one uranium nucleus
    • at this first stage, three new neutrons are released
    • each of these three neutrons causes the fission of uranium nucleus
    • at this second stage, nine more neutrons are released
    • each of these neutrons causes another fission.

Sanjar tries to understand the process and begins to draw a table like this.


How many neutrons are probably released at the fifth stage?

  • 45
  • 81

C) 243

D) 6561


2. A pure sample of an unknown radioactive nuclide has a very long half-life. For the sample the following quantities are known

  • the number of nuclei in the sample
  • the mass of the sample
  • the activity of the sample.

Which of the following will enable the half-life of the nuclide to be determined?

  • III only
  • II and III only
  • I and III only
  • II only


  • Many television receivers are connected to an aerial using a coaxial cable. Such a cable is

illustrated in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.

State two functions of the copper braid.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................................[2]

  • Suggest two reasons why a coaxial cable is used, rather than a wire pair, to connect the aerial to the receiver

1. ......................................................................................................................................




  • The radioactive decay of nuclei is both spontaneous and random. Explain what is meant by radioactive decay of a nucleus,



.......................................................................................................................................................... [2]

Assessment criteria



A learner


explain the processes

of decay and nuclear synthesis



Shows the stages of procedure

Find the neutrino number

Determine the half-life of nuclei




explain the physical

properties of nanomaterials, methods for their preparation and use



Suggest two functions of copper braid

Express two reasons of using copper wire



explain the nature of

the ionizing effect and penetration; radioactive radiation;


Explains the nature of radioactive decay


Total mark


Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Atomic and nuclear physics. Nanotechnology and nano-materials

Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


explain the processes of decay and nuclear synthesis

Not able to:

Shows the stages of procedure Find the neutrino number


able to:

Shows the stages of procedure Find the neutrino number Determine the half-life of nuclei

However several mistakes might be done

able to:

Shows the stages of procedure Find the neutrino number Determine the half-life of nuclei Clear explanation of each findings

explainthephysical propertiesof

nanomaterials, methods for their preparation and use

Not able to:

Suggest two functions of copper braid Express the reason of using copper wire

Be able to:

Suggest two functions of copper braid Express the reason of using copper wire However several mistakes might be done

Be able to:

Suggest two functions of copper braid Express the reason of using copper wire

explain the nature of the ionizing effect and penetration; radioactive radiation;

Not able to:

Explain the nature of radioactive decay

Be able to:

Explain the nature of radioactive decay; However several mistakes might be done

Be able to:

Explain the nature of radioactive decay;

  • TERM

Summative assessment for the unit Cosmology

Learning objectives – use the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram to explain stellar evolution;

        • – be able to estimate the age of the Universe using the Hubble law;
        • – explain the Big Bang theory using data on microwave background radiation;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Uses diagram H-R for star evolution;
  • Estimates the age of universe using Hubble law;
  • Explains the theory of Big-Bang

Level of thinking skills


Higher order thinking skills


25 minutes

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Assessment criteria



A learner


Uses diagram H-R

for star evolution;


(i)From the diagram identifies the main regions

(ii)Draws the line correspond to Sun’s path




Explains the theory

of Big-Bang


a) shows the meaning of Big-Bang theory

b) states two features of cosmic microwave

background (CMB) radiation



Estimates the age of

universe using Hubble law


(i) determines the distance in Mpc

(ii) describes the Ia supernovae galaxy distance



Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Cosmology Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


usediagramH-R (Герцшпрунга-Рассела) for explanation of star;

Not able to:

  • get from the diagram identifies the main regions
  • Draws the line correspond to Sun’s path evolution

Be able to:

  • get from the diagram identifies the main regions;
  • Draws the line correspond to Sun’s path evolution;

However several mistakes might be done;

Be able to:

  • get from the diagram identifies the main regions;
  • Draws the line correspond to Sun’s path evolution;

explain the theory of Big Bang

Not able to:

  • show the meaning of Big-Bang theory;
  • state two features of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation

Be able to:

  • show the meaning of Big-Bang theory;
  • state two features of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation;

However several mistakes might be done;

Be able to:

  • show the meaning of Big-Bang theory;
  • state two features of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation;

be able to estimate the age of the universe using the Hubble law;

Not able to:

  • determine the distance in Mpc
  • describe the Ia supernovae galaxy distance

Be able to:

  • determine the distance in Mpc
  • describe the Ia supernovae galaxy distance;

However several mistakes might be done;

Be able to:

  • determine the distance in Mpc
  • describe the Ia supernovae galaxy distance;

Summative assessment for the unit Physical training

Learning objectives

Explanation and structure of Solar planets;

From the H-R diagram make the classification of stars;

Assessment criteria

A learner

  • Analyses the diagram and names stars according to provided H-R diagram

Level of thinking skills


Higher order thinking skills


20 minutes

Task 1.

  • How many planets in the Solar system?


  • Please place the planets in correct order starting by distance from the Sun.


Task 2.

  • An HR diagram shows that many well-known stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Please specify the well-known stars using Figure 1.


  • Please specify the Solar planet according to stars-classification


Figure 1.

Assessment criteria



A learner

Mar k

Explanation and structure of Solar planets;



Indicates the existing planets in Solar system

Places planets in the correct order



From the H-R diagram make the classification of stars;



Depicts the well-known stars from Milky way

Shows the Solar system using H-R diagram



Total mark


 Rubric for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit Practical Physical Learner’s full name

Assessment criteria

Level of academic achievement


Explanation and structure of Solar planets;

Not able to:

Indicate the existing planets in Solar system;


Be able to:

Indicate the existing planets in Solar system; Place planets in the correct order;

However several mistakes might be done;

Be able to:

Indicate the existing planets in Solar system; Place planets in the correct order;

From the H-R diagram make the classification of stars;

Not able to:

Depict the well-known stars from Milky way;

Show the Solar system using H-R diagram;

Be able to:

Depict the well-known stars from Milky way;

Show the Solar system using H-R diagram; However several mistakes might be done;

Be able to:

Depict the well-known stars from Milky way;

Show the Solar system using H-R diagram;

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