Body Parts . Ағылшын тілі, 3 сынып, сабақ жоспары. 3 сабақ.

Lesson plan

  • Unit 1. Animals
  • School:
  • Date:
  • Teacher name:
  • Grade: 3
  • Number present:
  • absent:
  • Theme of the lesson: Body Parts 1

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recognize, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences

 Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Identify and name animal body parts

Talk about animals` body parts using some of the new words in simple sentences

 Assessment criteria

Learners have met the learning objective ( / if they can:

Recognize animal body parts.

Talk and describe animals` parts of the body in simple sentences

 Value links

Animal cognition

 Cross - curricular links

Geography, Biology

 ICT skills

Using videos& pictures

Previous learning

Animal types 2


Planned activities



5 mins

Warm up

Learners are suggested to watch a Funny animated cartoon and predict the theme of the lesson.

"Why do animals have different body parts?" (to move, get food, and stay warm)

Tell the students, "Today we are going to focus on the different parts that help an animal move and the parts that help it to eat.



Practice. Speaking

Learners revise different animal types that live in Kazakhstan orally. After they finish revising words, pass out didactic material 1. Students should write the types of animals under the pictures.


Group work


High level students: Write the sentences using right types of animals near the picture.

Low level students: Write the types of animals near the picture

After students have completed the task, they can either check their work by consulting their vocabulary copybooks or peer assess.

Grammar revision. Reading

  • To revise have/has got go through the PPP.
  • Pre – reading

clarify any unknown vocabulary

  • Reading

read the text about Mike Vazovsky and write has or hasn`t.

After reading task

Differentiation by the level

  • High level students: retell the text
  • Low level students: Answer the questions

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. Has it got a head?

3. Has it got any ears?

Vocabulary Animals` body parts

  • Introduce words of body parts. Read the words and let students repeat. Nominate students to do choral/individual drill
  • Hand out vocabulary lists and let students glue them into their copybooks
  • Then hand out didactic material and ask students to fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the box


High level students: Write the appropriate words without help.

Low level students: Choose the appropriate words into the right place.

After students have completed the task, they can either check their work by consulting their vocabulary copybooks or peer assess.


PPT slides 2-4

PPT slide 5-20




5 mins


Learners guess animals in riddles

Who am I?

I am a mammal with four legs, a tail, and a mane. I also have fangs and claws on my paws.

I am a _____and I live in _____________.

I live in the sea but I have no fins. I have eight tentacles and I can change colour. I am an____________.

I am a mammal with a snout and cloven hooves. I eat almost anything and live in forests. I also have tusks. I am a____________.

I have no legs. My skin has scales. I have fangs. I rattle my tail when I am ready to attack. I am a_________ .

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Less able students – greater support by means of prompts, visuals or writing difficult words on the board

More able students – independent work on definite tasks with little/no support

Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative learning, depending on the appropriateness to the task

Allow for extra time for students needing it, when appropriate

Give extra text or visual support to students needing extra English support

Create small learning groups for students needing extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher, when appropriate

through observation


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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