Earth and our place in it

Unit: Unit 3 Earth and our place in itSchool: 
Lesson 1
DateTeacher’s name:  
CLASSNumber presentabsent:
Theme of the lesson: Earth and our place in it

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to9.3.2.1  ask complex questions to get information on a range of general and curricular topics;  use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax  to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics;  spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectivesAll learners will be able to:Make up and ask complex questions to get information with support
Use topic related vocabulary in one more sentences
Write most high- frequency vocabulary
Most learners will be able to: Make up and ask complex questions to get information with     little support
Use topic related vocabulary in short summary
Write most high- frequency vocabulary
Some learners will be able to: Make up and ask complex questions to get information without  support
Use topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences on different topics
Write most high- frequency vocabulary
Assessment criteriaMake up and ask complex questions to get information on a given topic 
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences on different topics
Write most high- frequency vocabulary accurately
Value linksRespecting and protecting the environment
Cross curricular links    Ecology
Stages of the lessonPlanned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)Teacher’s notes
GreetingGreet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, boys and girls! 
Unit presentation• Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the
module and the picture on the page.
• Ask Ss what they can see (a forest).
• Help Ss deduce that the phrase earth and
our place in it refers to understanding
what our position on the planet and in its
natural environment is.
• Help Ss relate the title of the module to
the content of the picture and ask them
what they think the module will be about.

Warm upDo you like spending time in nature?
Why/Why not?
What do you think are the most
important environmental issues our
planet is facing today?
There are actually quite a few. Global
warming, deforestation, the rise in
sea level as well as land, sea and air
pollution are just a few of the serious
environmental issues that our planet
is facing today. They are all important
because all aspects of the natural
environment are interlinked, which
means that when one area is a_fected
so are the others.
PresentationPhrases with ‘nature’
answer the call of nature
be a good-natured person
be in one’s nature
come as second nature
go back to nature
it’s only human nature
the forces of nature        
 Help Ss deduce the meaning of the
expressions in bold from the context of
the respective sentences.

Practice Task. Find mistakes in matching  the definition with phrases
go back to nature = sth that
you do very easily and naturally
because it is part of your character or you have done it many times
(come as) second nature = to return to a
simple kind of life in the country, away
from cities
(It’s only) human nature = in a way
that is typical of human behaviour,
feelings and thoughts
be in one’s nature = pleasant and
good-natured (person) = the usual way that
a person behaves that is part of their
the forces of nature = the need
to use the toilet 
(answer) the call of nature = the way that
things happen in the physical world
when it is not controlled by people
go back to nature = to return to a
simple kind of life in the country, away
from cities
(come as) second nature = sth that
you do very easily and naturally
because it is part of your character or
you have done it many times
(It’s only) human nature = in a way
that is typical of human behaviour,
feelings and thoughts
be in one’s nature = the usual way that
a person behaves that is part of their
good-natured (person) = pleasant and
the forces of nature = the way that
things happen in the physical world
when it is not controlled by people
(answer) the call of nature = the need
to use the toilet
EndChoose 2 phrases with nature and make your own sentences.
HomeworkW/B  ex A p 2
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?Health and safety check ICT links
More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities
-through observation in group and     end performance activities
-through formative task
-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes
-Use water based pens
-Health promoting techniques
-Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
REFLECTIONAnswer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? 

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