Мәтін есептерді шығару. Алгебра, 7 сынып, қосымша материал.

Тапсырма 1. Write an equation for each of the following:

  • Peter is buying some outdoor furniture for his patio. Tables cost $40 each and chairs cost $25 each. Peter buys10 items of furniture at a total cost of$280. (Let the number of tables purchased be t.)
  • Pencils cost 40 pence each and erasers cost 70 pence each. If I purchase three fewer erasers than pencils, the total cost will be £3:40. (Let the variable p represent the number of pencils purchased.)
  • A group of friends went to a cafe for tea and coffee. Tea costs €2:50 and coffee costs €3:60. The number of people who ordered coffee was twice the number who ordered tea, and the total bill was €29:10. (Let the number of people who ordered tea be t.)

Мысалды талдаңыз:

 Cans of sardines come in two sizes. Small cans cost $2 each and large cans cost $3 each.

 If 15 cans of sardines are bought for a total of $38, how many small cans were purchased?


Тапсырма 2. When one quarter of a number is subtracted from one third of the number, the result is7. Find the number.

Тапсырма 3. Roses cost$5 each and geraniums cost$3 each. Michelle bought4 more geraniums than roses, and in total she spent$52. How many roses did she buy?

Тапсырма 4. Nick has40 coins in his collection, all of which are either5-cent or10-cent coins. If the total value of his coins is$3:15, how many of each coin type does he have?

Тапсырма 5. A store sells batteries in packets of6 or10. In stock they have25 packets which contain a total of 186 batteries. How many of each packet size are in stock?

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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