Types of vehicle. Ағылшын тілі, 2 сынып, сабақ жоспары.

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit: 5 Travel

School: NIS Kokshetau


Teacher name: Kim L.I.


Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Types of vehicle

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.W2 form lower and upper case letters of regular size and shape

2.R3 recognise and identify some familiar sight words from local environment

 Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • recognize and identify different transport vocabulary
  • say how they get to school
  • use structures How do you get to school? – I go by bus.

 Success criteria

Learners have met this learning objective 2.R3, if they can recognize familiar words to identify 8-10 objects

 Value links

Labor and creativity

Cross curricular links

The world around us


ICT skills

Smart board

Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Teacher: Good morning!

How are you?

Learners answer the question How are you? looking at the picture.


Pupils play vocabulary flashcard treasure hunt.

Before class Teacher prepares flashcards of vocabulary from the song (bus, bicycle, car, train, boat, airplane rocket, and helicopter) and hides them around the class – behind a chair, on the window sill, in the book etc. In class Teacher sits the pupils down and starts hunting around the room, gesturing that he is looking for something. Teacher “finds” one of the flashcards and looks relieved and happy to have found it. Teacher indicates that there are 7 or more flashcards to find and gets everyone to hunt around the room helping the teacher to look for the flashcards. Once all of the flashcards have been found Teacher sits everyone down again.

vocabulary flashcards

http://www.eslkidstuff. com/flashcards/ transport.html



Pupils revise transport vocabulary.

On the board, teacher draws a simple picture of the school at one end of the board and a simple house at the other.

Teacher: This is our school - here. This is my house. I live here. We are going to revise the vocab in order of the song.

Pull out the first card (“aeroplane”). Put the card on the board between the school and your house. Say slowly “I came here by aero plane … by aero plane … by aero plane”, whilst doing the song gesture of flying. Get all of your students to stand up and fly on the spot as they say “by aero plane … by aero plane … by aero plane”.

Next pull out the car flashcard and replace the aeroplane flashcard with it on the board. This time say “I came here by car … by car … by car” whilst doing the song gesture of driving a car and beeping the horn. Get all of your students to stand up and pretend to drive a car and beep the horn as they say “by car … by car …” Continue doing this for all of the cards and actions of the songs.


Pupils play “Vocabulary Art Gallery”.

Teacher gives each student a piece of paper and have them draw 8 boxes (picture frames) on the paper. Teacher tells everyone they are going to draw some pictures.

Teacher: “Draw … I came here … by boat“. Everyone should draw a picture of a boat in their square. Teacher gives a minute for this. When time is up teacher says “STOP!”

Now, Teacher is the judge. Teacher walks around looking at the pictures and gives some comments (“hmmm, not bad” … “oh, very nice!”, etc.). Finally, Teacher awards a winner for the best drawing and gets everyone to clap.

Teacher: Now, erase the pictures on the board and go onto the next vocab item (e.g. by car).

Again, teacher judges the pictures and selects a winner. Teacher goes through all of the pictures, each time electing a different winner – makes sure everyone wins at least once.


Sing the “How Did You Get Here?” song. Put the flashcards on the board in order of the song (or use our song poster). Run through the gestures (see above) first. Then play the song and sing along doing the gestures. If this is the first time to sing the song, play it a second time.


How did you get here?

How did you get here?

Verse 1:

I came here by aero plane

I came here by car

I came here by train.

I came here by rocket.

How did you get here?

How did you get here?

Verse 2: I came here by helicopter

I came here by boat

I came here by bus

I came here by mountain bike. Wow!

Some simple actions can be used with this song: Do the question pose (palms up, puzzled look on face) for the question “How did you get here?” but point downwards (to the ground) for the “here” part.

Teacher: As the song plays do the following actions:

by bus: pretend to drive a bus and beep the horn.

by bicycle: pretend to be cycling and ring a bell.

by car: pretend to drive a car and beep the horn.

by train: do the train gesture – moving your hands around like a wheel and “chu-chu”ing.

by boat: do wave motions with your hands.

by airplane: pretend to be an airplane by holding your arms right out.

by helicopter: pretend to be a helicopter by turning around your arms .

by rocket: put your arms above your head, finger tips touching to make a rocket shape.


Pupils read a story “How do you go to school?”.

As reading, Teacher points to the pictures, elicits each key word and has the students say how each person goes to school, for example:

Teacher: What’s this? (pointing to the car)

Pupils: It’s a car!

Teacher: Yes! That’s right! How do you go to school?

Pupils: By car!

Teacher: Let’s check. (reading from the story) I go to school by car. Right!

Teacher gets the pupils involved in the story by asking lots of questions (e.g. eliciting colors) and getting them to do the actions of each vehicle.


Practice asking and answering “How do you go to school?” with a class survey.

Before class, Teacher should print out How do you go to school Survey. Teacher draws enough columns for each student in the class and writes their names at the top. Then copies enough for all of your students. Teacher starts by modeling – holds up the survey and points out the names at the top.

Teacher chooses one student and asks: “How do you go to school?” Teacher elicits a full answer (E.g. “I go to school by bus”) and shows everyone how to fill in the survey (by drawing a circle in the correct cell). Teacher does it with a few students until everyone understands. If someone gives an impossible answer (e.g. rocket), Teacher shows an expression of shock and then says, “Noooo, that can’t be right!” and has a laugh, but Teacher tries to elicit their true answer. Then Teacher gives out a survey to everyone. First, Teacher gets everyone to find their own name and circle their answer. Then Teacher gets everyone to mingle about asking and answering and filling in their surveys. When everyone has finished, Teacher completes the survey sheet by asking the class for the answers (e.g. “How does Marat go to school?”).


Learners match words of vehicles and 10 object pictures. Teacher gives instructions to learners [repeated twice] to write words in places.



“How Did You Get Here Today?” song

http://www.eslkidstuff. com/blog/songs/how-did-you-get-here-today-song#sthash. 9CZ4cwGd.dpbs

“How Did You Get Here ?” song

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v= tm2W5UUVR3o

story “How do you go to school”

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v= qxvn65zyZjI


Well what did we do at our lesson?

  • Evaluation of the lesson

Homework: Color “How did you get here?” worksheet and learn 8 words of transport.

Children sing a Good bye song

Good bye song

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v= Xcws7UWWDEs

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety checkICT links

  • More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support
  • Through formative assessment
  • Through observation of the stage of revision
  • Health promoting techniques
  • Breaks and physical activities used.
  • Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
  • Use video 10 minutes


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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